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Expat Destinations

Living in Uruguay: How Expats Can Access Top-Notch Healthcare

7 min read

Living in Uruguay: How Expats Can Access Top-Notch Healthcare

Uruguay is widely recognized as a symbol of stability and high standard of living in South America, making it a sought-after location for people...

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Bukele’s Ambitious Plan: Is El Salvador Ready For Expats?

7 min read

Bukele’s Ambitious Plan: Is El Salvador Ready For Expats?

El Salvador's young and charismatic President, Nayib Bukele, elected in 2019, has attracted widespread international attention for his controversial...

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Navigating Colombia's Medical Services: What Expats Need To Know

6 min read

Navigating Healthcare In Colombia: What Expats Need To Know

Colombia has become a well-regarded country for multiple expats looking for a more relaxed lifestyle, a low cost of living and welcoming people. Many...

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Photo by German Long (

5 min read

Which Countries Are Part Of The Schengen Area?

Schengen, Europe, and the European Union (EU) are terms often used interchangeably, but are they really the same? Understanding these differences is...

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Explore Paraguay: The Best Hotspots For Expats

5 min read

Explore Paraguay: The Best Hotspots For Expats

Paraguay is an incredible country in South America that has become one of my top countries for investment purposes, with numerous real estate plays...

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How Is Healthcare In Mexico For Expats

5 min read

Expat Essentials: Healthcare In Mexico Unpacked

Mexico, with its vibrant culture, rich history, and stunning landscapes, is an appealing destination for expats seeking new adventures and a...

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Colombia’s Comeback: 10 Reasons Expats Are Eyeing This Trending Country

9 min read

Colombia’s Comeback: 10 Reasons Expats Are Eyeing This Trending Country

Lately, there's been a noticeable shift among expats, who are increasingly giving Colombia a second look, defying the understandably bleak perception...

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