Forestry Investment Via SDIRAs: When Money Grows On Trees

6 min read

Forestry Investment Via SDIRAs: When Money Grows On Trees

Many dream of retiring comfortably and having financial freedom. The last thing you want to do is struggle during your golden years, incapable of paying for food, bills, and housing; by that time, you only want to relax and forget about work. That’s why you invest heavily in your IRA, hoping to reap high returns, beat inflation, and secure a comfortable lifestyle.

Unfortunately, conventional IRAs (Individual Retirement Accounts), based on traditional assets like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, can underperform in market volatility, washing away years’ worth of effort and dedication. Imagine expecting a substantial pension only to reap minimal returns or, even worse, losses.

Sounds tragic, doesn’t it? Well, fret not. Investing always entails risk, but the rewards can be massive if done correctly. Each investor has their own preference, and mine are tangible assets—including forestry.

Forestry is what I like to call “growing money on trees.” After several years, your profits can be multiplied, and many people out there want the very thing you have been taking care of: timber and teak. Becoming indispensable to the market is the recipe for investment success. 

This article discusses forestry investment through SDIRAs (Self-Directed IRAs), a financial tool offering versatility and the potential to earn handsome returns.


Forestry is a rational option against inflation and market volatility, as it is based on the growth of trees, which continue to grow predictably regardless of prevailing economic conditions

Forestry is a rational option against inflation and market volatility, as it is based on the growth of trees, which continue to grow predictably regardless of prevailing economic conditions


If you are keen on investing news, you might have heard about tycoons acquiring acres upon acres of land. Why are they so invested (no pun intended) in land? Because it is a hedge against inflation (you can print money, but you can’t print land). It can help you grow trees, which you can use to sell timber and teak or even produce fruits and vegetables. Land is necessary as it is where most of the objects we consume daily come from. 

Think about it: furniture, tissues, stationery, packages—all come from trees. You may argue that paper is not used as much anymore, and you are mistaken if you think from this point of view, but also everyone needs furniture in their houses or offices. Some construction materials, like railway sleepers, are even made of wood. Multiple industries rely on timber to provide the products we need. This is the power of tangible assets like forestry.

Additionally, while other assets like stocks and mutual funds fluctuate, timber has stood the test of time. Forestry is an excellent hedge against inflation and market volatility, as it is grounded on the physical growth of trees. Trees continue to grow despite economic conditions, thus increasing their value and size over time. The two main perks of forestry are that biological growth is predictable, and there will most likely always be demand for timber.





Now that you understand the potential return on investment in forestry let’s discuss the best investing tool: self-directed IRAs (SDIRA). In essence, an SDIRA is a type of retirement account offering greater control over your investment choices. As opposed to traditional IRAs, which only allow for assets like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, an SDIRA allows you to invest in other assets such as real estate, precious metals, and, of course, forestry. 

The main advantage of an SDIRA is its flexibility when it comes to your investment options. Other benefits include tax advantages and the potential for higher returns. The downside is that it requires comprehensive due diligence, potentially higher fees, and more stringent regulatory compliance with IRS rules. The next section will cover the steps of investing in forestry through an SDIRA, ensuring you can maximize your returns while minimizing risks. 


Do not neglect due diligence; meticulously consider the available opportunities by evaluating factors such as the type of tree, management practices, and the expected return

Do not neglect due diligence; meticulously consider the available opportunities by evaluating factors such as the type of tree, management practices, and the expected return


Here is a basic overview of how to invest in forestry with your SDIRA: 



To open a Self-Directed IRA, you may need to open a Limited Liability Corp (LLC) based on the advice of your custodian and/or tax consultant. Take a look at the first steps below: 

  • Choose a Custodian: Find a financial institution that offers SDIRAs and ensures they have experience with alternative investments like forestry.

  • Complete the Application: Fill out the necessary paperwork to open your account. You will likely be required to provide personal information and the type of IRA you prefer (Traditional or Roth).

  • Fund the Account: Once the SDIRA is open, you can fund it by direct contributions, rollover or transfers.

Also, our trusted partner recommends that you form an LLC that will conduct all the investments while being owned by the SDIRA.



Every investment entails risk, so do your research and select opportunities that suit your budget and goals:

  • Do Your Due Diligence: Consider the investment opportunities available, examining factors such as the type of trees, management practices, and expected returns. 

  • Understand Market Trends: Inform yourself about the timber market, supply and demand, pricing trends and global market dynamics to make better investment decisions. 

  • Consult With Experts: Talk to qualified forestry professionals and financial advisors; they can help you assess the viability and risks of your investment options. 



Once you have chosen your investment, it is time to purchase it through your SDIRA:

  • Mind the Logistics: Work with your custodian to make the purchase, directing them to buy on behalf of your SDIRA. 

  • Do the Paperwork: Make sure all required documents are completed accurately. 

  • Ensure Compliance: Double-check that your investment complies with IRS regulations to keep the tax benefits that come with SDIRAs.



After purchasing your investment, continuous management is essential:

  • Conduct Regular Reviews: Check the performance of your investment, assessing whether it meets your goals and adjusting if necessary. 

  • Stay Up-to-date With Market Trends: Be on top of market conditions and trends to make informed investment decisions.

  • Consult with Professionals: Regularly consult with qualified forestry and financial advisors to ensure your investments are sound and align with your goals.


The predominant species cultivated in Paraguay are eucalyptus and pine, both of which offer substantial potential for returns due to their rapid growth

The predominant species cultivated in Paraguay are eucalyptus and pine, both of which offer substantial potential for returns due to their rapid growth


Forestry presents itself as a unique asset type; not only is it profitable, but it is also necessary for multiple industries, which enhances its inherent value. Below, you will find some prime locations for forestry investment:



Paraguay is known for its stable economy and business-friendly policies. The tax rates are also minimal, with VAT, income, and corporate taxes at 10% and a territorial taxation system. The government incentivizes foreign investment through favourable tax regulations and legal protection for investors. The major species you can encounter here are eucalyptus and pine plantations, both fast-growing and offering high returns. 


Uruguay stands out for its political stability, legal security, and a temporary admission regime that allows for the tax-free importation of inputs, along with the reimbursement of some export taxes

Uruguay stands out for its political stability, legal security, and a temporary admission regime that allows for the tax-free importation of inputs, along with the reimbursement of some export taxes


Uruguay is one of the safest and most attractive countries for forestry investment due to its political stability, transparent legal framework and strong property rights. The country’s well-established forestry sector is supported by government incentives and policies. In addition, exporting companies may benefit from the temporary admission regime, which allows the duty-free import of inputs and refunds export taxes (between 3% and 6% of the Free On Board (FOB) value). Like Paraguay, eucalyptus and pinus are the most common species in the country. 


By investing $30,000 in government-approved forestry projects, you can secure permanent residency in Nicaragua while also gaining the opportunity to explore profitable timber species such as mahogany, teak, and pine

By investing $30,000 in government-approved forestry projects, you can secure permanent residency in Nicaragua while also gaining the opportunity to explore profitable timber species such as mahogany, teak, and pine


Nicaragua’s forestry sector is growing thanks to its abundant natural resources and the global demand for timber. Moreover, you can obtain permanent residency in Nicaragua by investing $30,000 USD in government-approved forestry projects. It is an affordable residency program, and you can tap into profitable trees like mahogany, teak and pine. Note that this investment threshold also applies to real estate, local businesses and agricultural projects. 


Brazil boasts one of the largest forestry industries in the world, with a favourable climate and suitable locations. Regions such as Paraná and Santa Catarina are ideal for forestry investments

Brazil boasts one of the largest forestry industries in the world, with a favourable climate and suitable locations. Regions such as Paraná and Santa Catarina are ideal for forestry investments


Brazil has one of the world's largest and most prominent forestry industries. The country's vast forests and favourable climate conditions make it an ideal location for forestry investments, especially in regions like Paraná and Santa Catarina. Some important types of forestry investment include teak, pine, eucalyptus and rubber wood. 


In addition to the qualified investor visa, you can also secure residency in Panama by investing $80,000 in government-approved reforestation projects

In addition to the qualified investor visa, you can also secure residency in Panama by investing $80,000 in government-approved reforestation projects


Panama is a land of opportunities for savvy investors searching for a privileged location with low taxes and a territorial tax system. Apart from the Qualified Investors Visa, which grants you permanent residency should you invest $300,000 USD or more into real estate, you can opt for the Reforestation Visa (as per Executive Decree No. 199 of May 7, 2021). You can acquire residency in Panama by investing a meagre $80,000 USD into government-approved reforestation projects, or, if you want to go all-in, $350,000 USD to get permanent residency. 


The flexibility and tax benefits of SDIRAs make them an ideal tool for this type of investment, enabling substantial profits and the possibility of residences at incredible prices, as in the case of Panama

The flexibility and tax benefits of SDIRAs make them an ideal tool for this type of investment, enabling substantial profits and the possibility of residences at incredible prices, as in the case of Panama


Forestry investments are tangible, stable, and profitable in the long run. Thanks to the predictable growth of trees and consistent demand for timber products, this asset class offers a solid hedge against inflation and the stock market's volatility. Moreover, the flexibility and tax benefits of SDIRAs make them ideal tools for these investments, allowing you to reap massive profits. 

Also, the prime locations mentioned in this article are attractive to those interested in high returns, tax-friendliness, and incentives. Cases like Panama, for example, offer residency for a low threshold of $80,000 USD, which gives you access to one of the best countries for expats. 

If you’re looking for a secure and profitable addition to your retirement strategy, forestry might be an interesting option. Please always remember to conduct your due diligence and consult with qualified professionals before investing. For more information on the expat world, including investment opportunities like the ones laid out in this article, subscribe to our newsletter and get our special report, ‘Plan B Residencies and Instant Citizenships.’ 


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Mikkel Thorup

Written by Mikkel Thorup

Mikkel Thorup is the world’s most sought-after expat consultant. He focuses on helping high-net-worth private clients to legally mitigate tax liabilities, obtain a second residency and citizenship, and assemble a portfolio of foreign investments including international real estate, timber plantations, agricultural land and other hard-money tangible assets. Mikkel is the Founder and CEO at Expat Money®, a private consulting firm started in 2017. He hosts the popular weekly podcast, the Expat Money Show, and wrote the definitive #1-Best Selling book Expat Secrets - How To Pay Zero Taxes, Live Overseas And Make Giant Piles Of Money, and his second book: Expats Guide On Moving To Mexico.

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