How To Obtain Your Australian Criminal Record Check

3 min read

How To Obtain Your Australian Criminal Record Check

Moving abroad or just building your Plan-B will require you to cut through the red tape of immigration processes. Though time-consuming, it is a necessary evil to carry out your expat journey and finally live the life of your dreams. One of these documents is your criminal record (AKA police clearance).

That’s why I wanted to write this article for my Australian expats and expat-hopefuls. If you’re Australian or a former resident of Australia and need a criminal record check from this country, we’ll break down what this document is, why it is crucial and most importantly, how to acquire it quickly and easily. 



An Australian Criminal Record (commonly known as a ‘National Police Certificate,’ ‘National Police Check’ or NPC) is a document that compiles an individual’s official criminal history. The data is pulled from federal, state and territory police services, such as:

  • Pending charges;

  • Outstanding warrants;

  • Local criminal court outcomes

Note that the Australian Federal Police will not tell you in advance what information appears in your NPC, as every state and territory police service discloses different convictions. 


Getting your fingerprints checked might be necessary in some countries for some visa application

Getting your fingerprints checked might be necessary in some countries for some visa application


State police services might offer two different types of NPC, typically a federal NPC and National Police and Fingerprint Records Check. The standard NPC is exactly the one you need for immigration purposes. In particular, the federal NPC is used for:

  • Australian citizenship and permanent residence;

  • Working overseas;

  • Visa application in some countries. 

Moreover, remember that this certificate is comprehensive because it covers information about criminal convictions (or lack thereof) at the federal, state, and territory levels. 



Before submitting any documents, make sure you can verify your identity. You can do this by sending identity documents worth at least 100 points in total. 

To do so, go to the NPC Checklist and tick the boxes corresponding to the documents you have. For example, if you have an Australian Driver's Licence, ticking the box will give you 40 points. Go line by line and sum as many points as possible, ensuring you reach 100 minimum. 

Once you do that, scan or photocopy the documents worth at least 100 points. If you can’t reach them, you must contact the Australian Federal Police.



Though not mandatory, getting your fingerprints checked might be necessary; in some countries, visa applications go through a migration agent, so fingerprints are required.

Your application must be accompanied by the original of your fingerprints and an official translation if they’re not in English. 

Note that you won’t be able to apply online if you submit your fingerprints, and you’ll have to apply by post. Also, if you live in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), you need to book an appointment via the email address, including the following info: 

  • Full name;

  • Phone number (preferably mobile phone); and 

  • Location preference: City Police Station or Woden Police Station. 

Finally, your fingerprints will be checked against a central database of records, which will take 15 to 30 business days. 



Now it’s time to apply for and obtain your National Police Certificate. Depending on whether you need fingerprints, you can do this either online or by post. 



In this case, you need to go to this link and follow the instructions carefully. Essentially, you will come across the following pages:

  • Welcome Page: Contains all the instructions and documents you need to have at your disposal when filling out the application form;

  • Proof of Identity: Check the boxes as you did in the NPC Checklist that correspond to the documents you want to submit with your application;

  • Applicant Details: Fill out personal details like name, surname, email address, etc. Also, you need to indicate the purpose of your NPC. For example, if you want to get a second residency in a country other than Australia, in “Purpose Type,” select “Commonwealth Employment / Purpose,” and in “Purpose of Check,” select “35 - Overseas Visa - Supply to a Country Other than Australia.” Finally, you can request a hard copy of your NPC; and

  • Applicant Consent: Check the box at the bottom of the page and press “Next” to allow the Australian Federal Police to complete the NPC on your behalf. 

After all of this, pay the $56 AUD fee and wait for a digital certificate or hard copy when the check is completed. 



If you prefer to apply by post or need to submit your fingerprints, you must fill out the National Police Check application form. To be accepted, this form must meet the following requirements:

  • Black ink;

  • Mark boxes with a cross (X);

  • Use capital letters;

  • Double-check the details are correct;

  • Sign and date the form.

Note that:

  • Once it’s signed, the form will be valid for just three months;

  • Pay in Australian dollars via bank cheque or money order made out to the AFP; and

  • Include all the documentation, forms, payment, identification, and, if needed, the originals of your fingerprints.

Lastly, post to the following address:

Australian Federal Police

Criminal Records

Locked Bag 8550



Criminal record check information

Obtaining your Australian National Police Certificate is essential for a smooth move abroad


Getting your Australian National Police Certificate is an important step to make sure you can move abroad seamlessly. This document will list your criminal offences (or lack thereof), and you can get it online or by post. 

Make sure to keep this short guide with you for when you need it, as you never know when you’ll have to get your NPC to move abroad or get a second residency or passport. As I always say, make sure to follow all the steps carefully and stay compliant throughout the process. If you’re looking into building your Plan-B somewhere other than Australia (or your place of birth), remember you can work with us. We’ll be there for you every step of the way. 


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Mikkel Thorup

Written by Mikkel Thorup

Mikkel Thorup is the world’s most sought-after expat consultant. He focuses on helping high-net-worth private clients to legally mitigate tax liabilities, obtain a second residency and citizenship, and assemble a portfolio of foreign investments including international real estate, timber plantations, agricultural land and other hard-money tangible assets. Mikkel is the Founder and CEO at Expat Money®, a private consulting firm started in 2017. He hosts the popular weekly podcast, the Expat Money Show, and wrote the definitive #1-Best Selling book Expat Secrets - How To Pay Zero Taxes, Live Overseas And Make Giant Piles Of Money, and his second book: Expats Guide On Moving To Mexico.

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