Helping Unvaxxed Canadians Escape The Country

3 min read

Helping Unvaxxed Canadians Escape The Country

No unvaxxed Canadian can leave by any land border, travel by train or a bus anywhere across Canada. There are options however, the Canadian Government does legally allow private charter planes to take unvaxxed Canadian travellers out of Canada to anywhere they can land that will allow unvaxxed Canadians.

The USA is not one of those countries; however, here is a list of 100+ countries that will allow unvaxxed Canadians in.


UPDATE: As of October 1st, 2022, the government has eliminated all COVID-19 border and travel restrictions. However, the government urges you to stay informed as covid mutations can change travel and pandemic policies.

UPDATE: As of  September 18th, 2022, the Government of Canada maintains its entry requirements. So even though you may now leave Canada unvaxxed, you will require vaccination to be given entry permission even if you are a citizen or a native. I will keep this information here in case we have another Covid-19 mutation, and the government of Canada forces these tyrannical mandates on its citizens again.

UPDATE: On June 20th, 2022, the government of Canada lifted the vaccine mandates and proof of vaccination for all Canadian travellers to either leave Canada or travel by bus or plane across Canada. This is good news for the 5,000,000 unvaccinated Canadians who are now able to travel freely.

UPDATE: As of Monday, April 25th, 2022, we have heard that the mandates for unvaxxed Canadians being able to leave Canada will be indefinite.



We are aware of a company that is based out of the UK that is chartering planes (190 seats) with flights from Toronto International Airport to Puerto Vallarta International Airport and from Vancouver International Airport to Puerto Vallarta International Airport.

You must become a member of this association. It is a one-time donation of $125 Canadian/$99 USD.

From there, you can register yourself to find flights that work for you. All flights are $800 USD.

They have informed me that a 50% deposit must be made to secure your spot on the plane. If the plane does not sell the number of required seats, you will get your deposit back in full. At that point, you would try again for another date.

As of now, they are booking all flights for the month of May 2022. The date and month may change as the flight must have 130 to 160 passengers to book an official date.

You will be kept informed on the progress of member booking subscriptions in preparation for the flight and the official 2022 Flight departure.

The requirements to book your seats on this flight are the following:

  • Have a valid passport
  • Be a member of the Expat transition association
  • Make a payment of a 50% deposit for all your reserved seats.
  • Payment of the balance of your reserved seats must be made 1 week before the official departure.
  • Reimbursement will be done solely if the flight is cancelled and for no other reason.

The one-way ticket from Toronto to Puerto Vallarta is $800 USD

$750 USD for the Flight

$50 USD for Administrative Fees

  • Price may vary slightly depending on the charter flight company changes and period of departure.
  • The price is based on 130 passengers. Additional Passengers above 130 tickets fees will be kept for adjustments to maintain your ticket price and to help book other flights.

Once you have arrived in Mexico, you are free to travel wherever you want. For example:

PVR to Mexico City - $51

Mexico City - Panama City - $509 direct flight



A US-based firm is also offering small chartered flights from Canada to Mexico that are the equivalent of privately owned planes in non-gated areas. So the rules for the mandates are different. It is up to the private company to decide if it wishes to be restored or not. They respect all individual sovereign rights and bodily integrity that are protected by not only the Canadian charter but also the UN charter and help all people looking to come to Mexico have solutions to better navigate in this country.

Once you are in Mexico you can go wherever you like as you don't need proof of vaccination for covid-19 or any negative PCR tests. Same as above.

Flights are for a small plane, 8 seater, so the cost is roughly $6,000 for a one-way flight into Mexico, but chances of getting out of your city are considerably higher as they only have to fill a small plane.

This company was established in January 2021 as a start-up travel enterprise business, with one aim: to honour their member's rights to travel freely. They operate internationally and then help their members on a case-by-case basis.



You would have to be either in Newfoundland or one of the eastern provinces and willing to take the ferry to St. John’s. (Assuming they will allow unvaxxed Canadians on the ferry). The flight is to Denmark where they are openly welcoming unvaxxed Canadians.

Midsize jet - 8 seats

$2900 USD with 8 people sharing - once the 8 seats are filled that will be it.

Here is a really great article that will help you if you decide to leave Canada for a new second passport or a second residency.


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Mikkel Thorup

Written by Mikkel Thorup

Mikkel Thorup is the world’s most sought-after expat consultant. He focuses on helping high-net-worth private clients to legally mitigate tax liabilities, obtain a second residency and citizenship, and assemble a portfolio of foreign investments including international real estate, timber plantations, agricultural land and other hard-money tangible assets. Mikkel is the Founder and CEO at Expat Money®, a private consulting firm started in 2017. He hosts the popular weekly podcast, the Expat Money Show, and wrote the definitive #1-Best Selling book Expat Secrets - How To Pay Zero Taxes, Live Overseas And Make Giant Piles Of Money, and his second book: Expats Guide On Moving To Mexico.

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