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First Class Group Consulting 

Group Consulting Guidance for Establishing Your Personal Plan B: An Immersive, Hands-On Program Designed to Protect Your Freedom & Finances

First Class is our group consulting program dedicated to helping freedom-orientated citizens build a rock-solid Plan B for a secure and prosperous future. 

The First Class Program arms participants with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate the complexities of international finance while setting participants on the path towards establishing their own personal Plan B. 

The First Class Program is structured around six primary categories, each focusing on a critical aspect of setting up your Plan B, including tax planning/mitigation, residencies + citizenships, offshore banking, international real estate, legal structures & precious metals investments. Though these are the primary elements of the program, during the duration of The First Class Program, other considerations such as lifestyle & country exit planning will be covered in-depth throughout the entire program duration.  


  • Program Start Date: Summer, 2024
  • Program Duration: 10 Months
  • Program Delivery: 2 Monthly Virtual Coaching Calls (Although attendance is highly encouraged, all calls will be recorded and made exclusively available for group participants for future viewing/ongoing reference)