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Will Argentina Elect A President “To The Right Of Ron Paul”?

Written by Mikkel Thorup | July 22 2023

If you think of Argentina, ideas like inflation, debt, corruption and socialism might cross your mind. And rightfully so. Believe it or not, before World War I, Argentina was one of the wealthiest nations in the world. This Latin American republic was a land of opportunity, experiencing steady growth for many years. On top of that, its economy was ahead of European economies such as Italy, France and Germany. Many Europeans, especially Italians and Spaniards, moved to Argentina in search of better opportunities.

It might come as a surprise to know that Argentina’s per capita income, taking into account purchasing power, stood at 92% of the average among the 16 most advanced economies worldwide at one point. All that prosperity fostered by an open market is what a relatively new presidential candidate wants to bring back to Argentina after decades of populism, socialism and military governments.

Would you believe that this candidate is considered the "Argentinian Ron Paul"? His name is Javier Milei - an economist, professor and, most importantly, libertarian. Argentina’s presidential elections will be held on the 22nd of October, 2023, and this man poses a threat to the political establishment there.

Discover how the "Argentinian Ron Paul" aims to revive Argentina's prosperity by challenging populism and socialism.


Javier Milei proposes the reduction of state intervention, free market and especially fiscal responsibility


Socialists love saying that their socialism is the one that will finally work, but their claims end up being nothing but a bunch of lies.

Socialism always leads to the same results: misery, poverty, inflation, debt, and excessive government control. It has been tried in multiple countries, cultures and ethnicities, with the same disastrous outcomes. Sadly, Argentina is not an exception.

As you might know, Gramsci, a founding member of the Italian Communist Party, acknowledged that socialism failed miserably in the economic realm, so for socialism to be accepted by the masses, it should penetrate the realm of culture. That’s why movements like veganism, climate change and the like are usual ideologies defended by leftist parties. Consequently, the new socialism needs to instill these ideas through the school system and mass media, thus making it difficult for regular citizens to think otherwise.

If you turn on any mainstream TV channel in Argentina, it’s common to hear presenters parrot all these narratives, including how necessary taxes are to pay for education and healthcare. Nothing new under the sun…Until Javier Milei came into the picture.

Considered an extremist by establishment personalities and politicians, Javier Milei has been challenging the status quo for a few years now. He criticized high inflation, excessive government intervention and the destruction of Argentina’s economy.

To mitigate its ongoing crisis, Argentina needs a new approach and leadership. Javier Milei proposes policies such as limited government intervention, free markets and fiscal responsibility. He strives to help Argentina overcome its numerous problems and thrive as a prosperous nation.


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Javier Milei declares himself a libertarian, and his proposals are in line with the ideas of the Austrian School of Economics


Javier Milei, a prominent figure in Argentina, brings a unique blend of expertise as an economist, professor, and political commentator. His background and perspectives have garnered attention and sparked hope for those seeking an alternative to the prevailing status quo. Now, he is the leader of the party ‘La Libertad Avanza’ (in English, Freedom Advances).


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As an economist, Milei deeply understands market dynamics and economic principles. He declares himself a libertarian, and his proposals are aligned with the Austrian School of Economics, with which he openly identifies. He is philosophically an anarcho-capitalist and, practically, a minarchist.

With that being said, it’s evident that his unyielding commitment to libertarianism makes him a potential candidate who could bring about meaningful change and address the issues that plague not only Argentina’s economy and society. Let’s examine his main policy proposals.

Milei is a strong advocate for individual freedoms, limited government intervention, free markets and even the abolition of the Central Bank, among others. As mentioned before, he is an anarcho-capitalist, so he aims to get as close to that as much as possible.

One of his key positions is the reduction of taxes, as they hinder economic growth and disincentivize investment and entrepreneurship, which help economies grow. By lowering taxes, Milei wants to increase productivity and create jobs.

Another of his proposals is the elimination of currency controls. Argentina, just like any socialist or communist state, has to restrict people’s freedom or, at least, make it difficult for nationals to escape the country. Do you still remember the Berlin Wall? Argentina currently imposes something similar with policies that hinder the free flow of capital and restrict Argentinian’s freedom to vote with their feet.

Regarding education, he proposes a voucher system allowing parents to choose the school for their kids freely. Namely, instead of settling for public schools in case of not having enough money, families can get public funding according to their socioeconomic status and give their children the schooling they want. This would foster competition between schools and improve the overall quality of Argentina's school system.

These and more of his policy proposals - such as removing other subsidies and fighting cronyism - align with those of Ron Paul, who shares a commitment to the philosophy of freedom. Both remark on the importance of a small government, deregulation, individual liberties and free markets, among other libertarian tenets.


Milei emerged as an alternative candidate with disruptive ideas, but who already enriched the country in the 20th century


Most political parties in Argentina are, at least, social democrats, so there was no real opposition before the appearance of Milei. He has emerged as a brand-new alternative candidate offering revolutionary perspectives and, most importantly, the ideas that made Argentina one of the wealthiest countries in the 20th century.

Milei’s proposals challenge the political establishment as a whole, and he even went against former President Macri, who labelled himself as a right-wing candidate but ended up being another soft socialist. The "Argentinian Ron Paul" supposes a sharp contrast to the mainstream ideologies that have contributed to the country’s economic decline.

Not only does Milei stand out given his policies, but also his confrontational style, his data-backed evidence and unorthodox appearances. He’s a very passionate individual with an extravagant haircut, which can easily capture anyone’s attention. His disruptive approach, shameless attitude, and eloquently breaking down complex economic ideas have helped him earn a solid and loyal following.

And finally, another interesting fact is that he does not earn a single peso from the public treasury, as he donates his annual salary to an Argentinian chosen at random. In the next section, we’ll share some of his most iconic quotes, which showcase how captivating and eloquent he can be.


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"If printing money ended poverty, printing diplomas would end stupidity"  - Javier Milei


  • “Politicians are parasites”;

  • “If you want to do drugs, go ahead as long as I don’t have to pay for your medical bills”;

  • “Libertarianism is the unrestricted respect for the life project of others”;

  • “Anyone can do with their lives whatever they want as long as they don’t attack others”;

  • “Let the establishment continue to be afraid because we are going to defeat them”;

  • “The State does not take care of anyone. The state is a killing machine”;

  • “Argentina produces food for 400 million human beings. With the current tax burden on agricultural activities, which is around 50% (in reality, even more), the State seizes the food of 200 million human beings. That is to say, in Argentina, 5 Argentinas could be fed with the amount of food that the goddamn state seizes. And still, we have poor people, and there’s hunger”.



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Committed to individual freedoms, fiscal responsibility and the free market, Milei wants to revive Argentina's prosperity


In summary, Argentina has faced economic challenges driven by inflation, debt, corruption, socialism and even military governments. However, the emergence of Javier Milei as a presidential candidate offers a fresh perspective rooted in libertarianism and alternative economic solutions. With his commitment to individual freedoms, fiscal responsibility, and free markets, among other libertarian proposals, Milei aims to revive Argentina's prosperity. While the outcome of the upcoming elections is uncertain, Milei represents the potential for change and a departure from prevailing ideologies. As Argentina navigates its political landscape, the possibility of electing a leader like Ron Paul brings hope for a brighter, prosperous future.