Articles | Expat Money®

Geopolitical Risk: Practical Ways To Protect Yourself

Written by Mikkel Thorup | September 27, 2024

In a recent episode of my podcast, the Expat Money Show, I had a conversation with  geopolitical expert Kyle Anzalone to discuss major conflicts around the world. We went through everything from the war between Russia and Ukraine to the Taiwan Strait tensions and more. 

Kyle, the opinion editor of, keeps up with these situations and educates his audience on what’s happening around the world. He showcases the true story that the media is afraid—or unwilling—to discuss.

In this article, I will summarize the key points we talked about in our conversation, but most importantly, how you can effectively protect yourself and your family against these events. If you want to find out the practical strategies, read on. 



In 2020, the lockdowns, curfews and all types of restrictions wrecked the economy and spiked inflation. Then, it was the military conflict between Ukraine and Russia, in which many Western countries like the US, the UK and even Canada have contributed in one way or another. 

The need to finance military operations requires governments to expand their monetary base, printing more money to cover the enormous costs associated with war, such as paying soldiers, purchasing equipment, and supporting allied nations. 

Similarly, the long-standing conflict between Palestine and Israel has been a source of tension and economic strain for decades, causing inflation through the continuous need for defence spending and humanitarian aid. Finally, the ongoing tensions in the South China Sea (or West Philippine Sea, depending on the source) and the Taiwan Strait cannot be neglected, as they involve multiple countries in the region, such as the Philippines and Malaysia. These tensions lead to increased military expenditures and economic instability, which further drives inflation.



There are so many things taking place that it’s really hard to catch up with everything. It’s one thing after another all the time. Millions of dollars are being spent to fund these wars and damage innocent lives; it makes me sick to my stomach. Kyle and I are hardcore libertarians, so we’re all about freedom, peace and non-aggression. 

However, the U.S. and other countries send their military to kill innocent people and create turmoil. While soldiers and citizens who don’t want to be there never come back home, bureaucrats simply give orders from their comfortable offices. At the end of the day, thousands of innocent people pass away because of these conflicts and average citizens who stay home pay the consequences of mass war spending with inflation.



Lately, it’s as if you’re almost forced to pick a side of the story. We’re told who the bad guys are day in and day out. To be honest, I prefer to live my life without ever taking part in those debates. The bad guys are not the Muslims, the Russians or anyone because of their religion or nationality. I’m fully anti-war and always supportive of the civilians; they are the ones who pay for the consequences of psychopathic politicians (the real bad guys) who not only steal people’s hard-earned money but make them fight against each other and don’t care less about harming innocent human beings. 


I reside in Panama with my family, enjoying a peaceful, family-oriented life surrounded by a supportive community of expats and locals despite the negative stereotypes often associated with Latin America


The world may seem chaotic, and indeed it is, but this doesn't mean you can't take action. Being proactive is crucial to protecting yourself against this chaos and ensuring your wealth and lifestyle are safeguarded. Consider the following steps:



The world looks like a mess these days. The media can’t stop talking about wars and deaths. Upcoming events like the 2024 US election could be a turning point for America. If Trump wins the election, some will not be happy about it and will try to riot, just like BLM and Antifa did. 

But there’s a way out for expats and expat-hopefuls: get out of harm’s way and starve the beast. In other words, go abroad and legally do not pay a single cent to criminal governments. That’s one of the main reasons why I chose Latin America. You can also opt to secure your Plan-B, whether through a second residency or citizenship. 

I reside in Panama, where I live with my wife, three children, and my mother. I love it here, as none of this madness is on the streets. We do our thing, spending time with each other, working with clients and surrounding ourselves with lovely expats and locals. Even though Latin America gets bad press, the reality is quite the opposite. Life in Latin America is relaxed, family-oriented, and, in many cases, more favourable in terms of finances and taxes. 

On the contrary, the American and Canadian economies have suffered from severe inflation and increasing government encroachment, and it would take me multiple hours to tell you the horror stories my private clients share daily. If you’re from Canada or the U.S., you don’t need to take my word for it; I’m sure you understand my point. But I'm not a big fan of fearmongering. My goal is to help expats like you secure their new lives abroad, and that’s exactly what I want to discuss with you in the next section. 



The world is your oyster now. While many of your friends and family back home will try to convince you to stay, chances are they do not understand the gravity of the situation. The high taxes, exaggerated living costs, and the increasing lack of safety make many consider a life elsewhere. 

This does not mean that you never go back to visit your loved ones; rather, you want to protect your wealth and keep it away from your local government, or even prefer to start a new life in a country where you can live the lifestyle you really want. Whether you want to live in the mountains, at the beach, in the city, or in a rural town, options are limitless. You may also just want to protect your wealth further and find a country where your money will be more secure against political turmoil and threats of confiscation. 

Regardless of your preference, my job is to help you find a country that aligns with your goals. But before that, I want you to consider an important concept: Flag Theory. Put simply, flag theory is a comprehensive strategy that helps you make the most of every relevant aspect of your expat journey: 

  • Finances

  • Business

  • Residency

  • Citizenship 

  • Banking 

  • Lifestyle

Think of 2008’s financial crisis, which caused many to lose their houses, jobs, and net worth. Or, if we go back to 2020, the majority got stuck in their own countries while others, thanks to second passports, maneuvered through draconian travel restrictions more easily. You name it; the bottom line is to acquire more freedom for yourself and your family.

When you decide to work with me, I will help you approach all these aspects, ensuring you accomplish your goals. That’s what my work is all about. I decided to establish myself in Panama, where I get tax-free foreign-sourced income, great weather, and a location ideal for travellers. However, I hold various second residences worldwide. The same idea applies to bank accounts, trusts and foundations. Lately, I’ve been working on my second passport, including St. Kitts & Nevis and Turkey. I diversify across countries, tapping into the positives each has to offer. 


Related content: Destination Danger: 7 Countries Expats Should Steer Clear Of


You and I cannot control government actions, such as printing trillions of dollars or starting wars, but we do have control over our own actions and must take steps to protect our wealth and family


As much as I don’t like to sugarcoat things, I try to be optimistic and focus on what’s under my control. You and I cannot control what the government does, whether it starts a war, prints trillions of dollars, or raises taxes. However, what’s under your control is the actions you take. Will you be like others back home, blaming the government and seeing yourself as a victim of the circumstances? Or would you rather tackle these issues and find viable solutions to protect your wealth and family? 

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