Expat Money Logo 2023 (3)

An URGENT Message for Individuals with $1 MILLION or More At Risk of Confiscation as the World Crumbles Around Us…

Renowned International Consultant Reveals 9 Proven (and 100% Legal) “Flag Planting” Strategies to Preserve Your FREEDOM, Protect Your FAMILY, and Safeguard Your ASSETS from Imminent Global Catastrophe!


FROM: A beautiful location in Latin America

DATE: The day you reclaim your sovereignty

Dear Valued Expat Money Subscriber,

Simply put, the general public is not on the same page as people like you and I.

The last 4 years have been a wake-up call for many of us, but for others, you could take away their passports, close their bank accounts, force a mask upon them and even force them to die alone without any family to comfort them and they still wouldn’t call it tyranny…

And that’s fine; if people want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend nothing is happening, then I wish them luck. But that’s not us.

At this point, people are willfully ignorant and refuse to see the evidence that is clearly laid out before them.

They may call you crazy and laugh behind your back at your choices….

But people like us, we know what is coming will be no laughing matter…

Failure to prepare is irresponsible and naive.

Taking proactive steps to secure your future and protect yourself and your loved ones is not.

The recent bank failures seemed to have come and gone from mainstream media with little fear of future fallout.

Nothing changed, and nothing will... not while these monsters are in charge...

The ones who spearheaded such failures are still in control…

Still corrupt.

Still lining their own pockets.

And still undermining our liberties with OUR hard-earned money. 

It would have been naive to have expected them to “put some adults” in the room.

The banks will collapse.

The retirement you always dreamed of will continue slipping out of reach as inflation soars and interest rates skyrocket.

You could be left penniless, and they will get off on it.

They say people like us are “crazy”  for seeing what they want and are working so hard to accomplish...  

It doesn’t start and stop with the banking & cost of living crisis either….

Political tensions continue to escalate.

From Biden and his crack-head son embezzling billions of dollars under the guise of "military aid” to Ukraine to unsettling encounters with China and now the bubbling issues in the Middle East, it is only a matter of time until we are face-to-face with a World we can hardly recognize.

“This crisis is more dangerous than the Cuban missile crisis." - Andy Weber. Former Assistant Secretary of Defense - Nuclear, Chemical & Biological Programs. 

With the constant violent conflicts continuing to erupt…. I can’t help but fear that the "big one" is coming.

Russia, Iran and China alike all have the power to change our way of life in the West as we know it forever… and they could do it so swiftly should they wish to do so.

And Even With War On Our Doorstep, They Won’t Let You Leave...

You could be a prisoner within your own borders. The travel restrictions of 2020 will seem reasonable in comparison to what is coming. 

Capital controls are already being put in place.

Western Governments will implement the same controls that have been used in the past to prevent the outflow of capital during war times.  

And with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), they will have the mechanism to make it absolute. 

You and your loved ones will be stuck. And there will be no getting out..

Not to mention YOU, yes, YOU are THEIR ASSET.

They see you and your family as no more than a tax slave to be harvested.

And Sadly, Middle Ground Won’t Be Found….

Domestic unrest will commence once again.

2020 will be a picnic relative to what the BLM & ANTIFA groups will do. 

Political and social tensions will boil over as the election nears...

Chaos will ensue. 

All indications point to this… and not to mention the legacy media groups will continue further fuelling the outrage. 

They want to see us beat down to nothing as the world burns and the “system resets”. 

For the first time in history, 2024 will see 3.2 billion people given the opportunity to “vote” in elections worldwide. India, Pakistan, the United States, and other countries will all have elections….

True democracy is eroding, and electoral outcomes will be questioned like never before.

People will take to the streets.

There is no better time for those seeking to grab even more power from us to make their move.

This is the end game.

BUT As proactive, responsible global citizens, we can protect ourselves from all of this.

I have acted thoroughly and swiftly to shelter myself and what’s mine.

I will help you to do the same.

A Plan B offshore is critical… even if you never plan on moving outside of the West. You can even take the first steps without having to leave your living room.

You may think you’re too old and thus will ignore this important message and will sadly become another victim of the Imminent Global Collapse.

Or you think you are too young and don’t yet have the funds to consider protecting yourself and what is yours….

This is a false belief pattern.

You may not be doing it for yourself.

But you may be doing it for your future self or your future generations.

Protecting yourself and what’s yours in the face of the Imminent Global Catastrophe is paramount. You need to act now to secure your future.

Taking action now will make all the difference in the face of what is coming…


Here’s What This Is All About…

The system is crumbling before us – not just in the US and Canada. But around the world. The consequences could be DEVASTATING for those who fail to prepare. 

Despite what you may think, I’m incredibly optimistic about the future. Because in every crisis lies enormous opportunities – for those with the courage to ACT QUICKLY.

If you’re as serious about protecting your family and safeguarding your assets as I think you are, then I urge you to read every word of this IMPORTANT letter right now. 

The critical decisions you make today could have a dramatic impact on your future. I’ll show you how to thrive and prosper no matter how badly the situation plays out.

Fair enough? Let’s get started…

The Old System of debt and consumption (12)My name is Mikkel Thorup. You may know me as the host of the popular Expat Money Show podcast, where I’ve interviewed multi-millionaire thought leaders like legendary investor JIM ROGERS, superstar speculator MARC FABER, Confessions of an Economic Hitman author JOHN PERKINS, and many more…

Including crypto hedge fund managers, international tax lawyers, global asset protection attorneys, gold, silver, and mining experts, millionaire business owners, entrepreneurs, and the list goes on…

I’m fortunate to have personal relationships with many of today's biggest movers and shakers, but I do much more than just talk to them. I’m walking the expat walk with my “boots on the ground.” 

In fact, for nearly 25 years, I’ve been living abroad. Figuring out the best ways to legally eliminate taxes and obtain second residencies and passports. Searching for the best ways to enjoy life in the most liberty-loving places on earth. And make a lot of money at the same time. 

Originally from Canada, I’ve travelled to over 100 countries, including North Korea, Zimbabwe, Iran, El Salvador, and Japan. Since the early 2000s, I’ve lived in the South Pacific, the Arctic, Central America, Asia (my wife is Chinese), and the Middle East.

Off the top of my head, I could tell you how to open an offshore bank account in Belize, save a fortune with medical tourism in Colombia, buy real estate in Costa Rica, store gold in Singapore, set up a corporation in Panama, and so much more…

My best-selling book “Expat Secrets” only scratches the surface of everything I’ve discovered in my nearly 25 years travelling around the globe using an ingenious strategy called “flag-planting.” Some of my best secrets cannot be published to protect my sources. 

This is what my friend and mentor, Doug Casey, has to say about my work...

Official Doug Casey Endorsement of Mikkel Thorup

I’m not sharing any of this to impress you. Only to impress upon you that if you have any interest in exploring opportunities to live with greater freedom, legally pay less taxes, and find simple ways to diversify and protect your assets outside the borders of your home country, then I’ve got 25 years of valuable experience to share with you.

By far, the most life-saving lesson I’ve learned over the past 25 years is this…

The Greatest Risk Today is Sovereign Risk…

Having all your eggs in one basket – your entire life at risk in a single country – is the surest way to wind up broke and desperate when all hell breaks loose.

That’s the tragic story of millions. With all their assets trapped in the borders of the West, when all hell breaks loose, people will get killed financially. Then will take to the streets and be killed literally for disobeying the government.

The Old System of debt and consumption (13)The dangers of having all your assets under the control of a single government are playing out in real time as I write this.

Consider the “Freedom Convoy” in Canada. It’s a peaceful group of law-abiding citizens voicing their opposition to illegal government vaccine mandates.

That’s completely normal in a free country. Freedom of speech has been a foundational pillar of democracy for thousands of years. But not anymore…

Within days, Trudeau became Canada’s first Prime Minister ever to invoke the “Emergencies Act.” Giving the government unprecedented authoritarian powers.

Faster than the blink of an eye, the Canadian government unilaterally declared anyone involved in the “Freedom Convoy” a domestic terrorist. And a threat to democracy.  

Without regard for their Constitutional right to speak freely, without any proof, and without a fair trial. Simply because an overreaching government seeks to squash any opposition. 

Canadian banks are freezing the financial accounts of peaceful protesters. And anyone who contributed to the cause. The government is actively harassing these patriots. 

Meanwhile, Americans are starting a similar movement called “The People’s Convoy.” President Biden announced that the US government’s national emergency powers would be extended beyond March 1st due to the continued health risks posed by COVID.

Don’t be surprised when the US follows Canada’s lead in denouncing peaceful protesters as terrorists. And freezes their access to the money they need to live.

Think about what’s happening in front of our eyes today…

Jeffrey Epstein committed atrocious sex crimes against children and never lost his banking privileges. Corporations contributed millions of dollars to fund the violent “Black Lives Matter” protests and never lost their banking privileges.

Yet when free citizens peacefully oppose overreaching governments that impose unconstitutional mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and economic lockdowns…

These people are treated as criminals, unfairly labelled domestic terrorists, and have their financial assets frozen. This is not democracy. This is textbook tyranny. And devastating capital controls.

The time to take the critical first step to protect yourself against government tyranny is now. The way events are playing out in real-time, waiting even one day may be too long. This is not the time to procrastinate and put your family’s future in jeopardy.  

If you’ve got a family you love. And have been financially successful enough to build up a few million dollars in assets, then you and I have a lot in common.

I’ve also become increasingly concerned at how governments never hesitate to invade our private lives and trample our civil rights. More aggressively every day.

Privacy is officially DEAD. The government spies on our emails, texts, phone conversations and tracks every financial transaction. Medical privacy is history too.

Banking is a nightmare these days. You’re assumed to be a drug-dealing money launderer until you show you’re not. “Innocent until proven guilty” has been turned upside down.

Even worse, even if you are innocent, the government won’t hesitate to label anyone who fails to obey orders as a domestic terrorist, just as we saw happen in Canada.

It’s gotten so bad that many international banks flat-out refuse to do business with US citizens. As soon as they see a US address or ID, they refuse to open a new account.

Perhaps most alarming is how deceptively governments declared a pandemic, locked down the economy, and imposed vaccine mandates (actually experimental gene therapies) for a flu-like virus with a survival rate of 99% or more. Even injecting our innocent, young children who statistically have no chance of dying. Why?

Who knows what other evil plans are about to be unleashed? If it’s anything like Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset,” then God help us because “you will own nothing and be happy.”

As the US government prints mountains of money, they’re destroying your children's and grandchildren’s future with a massive $30 trillion debt they can’t possibly repay. 

Stiffing deserving retirees of the benefits they were promised and leaving them wondering what went wrong so fast.

This is not how freedom and democracy are supposed to work. Both the US and Canada are moving dangerously towards socialism. 

America’s reign as the world’s dominant superpower could soon end with the dollar losing its privileged reserve currency status.

Leading to a financial catastrophe for anyone holding all their assets in US dollars, Canadian dollars, or any other fiat currency. Paper money may soon be worthless.

Don’t worry. There is a bright side to all of this. As I said earlier, where there is a crisis, we find opportunities. A few simple maneuvers now can guarantee the bright and prosperous future you and your family deserve. As long as you ACT NOW before it’s too late.

The NEW Principle of Global Diversification…

The old “principle of diversification” applies mostly to financial assets. Conventional wisdom says spreading your money across different asset classes: stocks, bonds, real estate. Maybe even gold and silver. As one asset declines in value, another rises.

This model worked well while the US and Canada prospered by saving, producing, and creating a strong middle class by exporting valuable goods for the world to consume.

Unfortunately, today, we’ve turned that upside down. We’ve become spenders, shifted from manufacturing goods to importing them, and run up record amounts of debt.

social security actThe US has printed trillions of dollars, resulting in 40-year highs in inflation. This means every dollar buys less food, less gas, and less of all the basic necessities we need to enjoy a happy life.

Here’s the BOTTOM LINE: Holding all your financial assets in US dollars, Canadian dollars (or any fiat currency) is committing financial suicide. There’s a much better, smarter, and safer way.

A Simple Secret for Eliminating Sovereign Risk

I’ve already helped hundreds of smart, successful people just like you drastically reduce sovereign risk. By taking advantage of the NEW Principle of Diversification and “flags.”

Simply put, when you remove all your assets from the control of a single government, you reduce your sovereign risk. Because no single government can wipe you out. It’s a simple concept. And it’s perfectly legal despite the BS spread in the mainstream media.

Think about how the system works today. People choose from pre-packaged options for the major decisions in their lives. There are pre-defined career paths for becoming a doctor, a lawyer, a pilot, a nurse, and almost any other profession you can imagine. 

When it comes to retirement planning, you just answer a series of questions to define your risk profile, and instantly you have a model portfolio. There’s little choice considering the limited number of options available in most retirement accounts.

Universal Choice Trump's Limiting Choices…

I call these “limiting choices,” and they are deeply ingrained in our modern society. Our realities are defined not by us but by governments, laws, and regulations that restrict our options and constrain our creativity. Our decisions are practically made for us.

When you walk into a bank, for example, no one is going to sit down with you and say:

“Hey, I think you should protect yourself from a depreciating fiat currency. Let’s talk about precious metals, crypto, or at least a more stable currency like the Swiss Franc.”

Not a chance! Banksters jam the same two limiting choices down our throats every day: the generic checking or savings account. Paying 0.1% interest if you’re lucky.

Big Tech is even worse! They’re changing public opinion through censorship. They decide on the narrative they want to promote. Then they censor anything and everything that goes against their preferred narrative.

Take COVID for example. No matter how you feel about it, Big Tech makes it difficult to make an informed opinion. They promote the vaccines as “safe and effective” despite the fact that there’s a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

They silence an army of qualified medical doctors who are actually treating COVID patients on a daily basis. They know there are much simpler and more effective treatments being buried. Legitimate scientists are being threatened and discredited.

A free flow of information is critical to a democracy. Make all the information available and let intelligent people reach their own conclusions. Censorship is a strategy for totalitarian governments. It’s alarming to see the US and Canada following suit today.

Police in Ontario are now actively monitoring what you say online. And warn they may “proactively” visit your home to offer “helpful” advice. Or attempt to intimidate you!

Expect more of this type of overreach from former democracies like the US and Canada that are transforming into totalitarian hellholes before our eyes at an alarming rate.

This only scratches the surface of how Big Tech attempts to manipulate our opinions by limiting access to the critical information needed to make an informed decision.

Limiting choices such as racking up huge educational debt, investing in mutual funds, holding cash in a savings account, or relying on government-sponsored retirement plans, were fairly successful strategies before the system cracked. But not today…

The way out, the way to survive and thrive through this turmoil, is to reject limiting choices. And define your own reality through what I call Universal Choice. An effective strategy for doing this is to “plant multiple flags” in multiple countries. It’s perfectly legal.

Think of a flag as a cross-section of your life or any asset. You’ve got a banking flag and a residency flag. You’ve likely got investment and real estate flags. And you may have a business flag. These flags determine how safe and protected your financial life is… 

If all your financial flags are “planted” in one country and in a single currency, you’re at serious risk. Because if that currency collapses (and every fiat currency in history has collapsed), you are not protected. You’re very vulnerable to financial catastrophe. 

Instead of accepting the limiting choices offered in your home country, you can open a foreign bank account in alternative currencies or store gold in a private vault overseas. Or open a foreign brokerage account, giving you more investment choices.

Just as people choose the best states and provinces to live in based on their wants and needs. Lower taxes. Better weather, etc. You can do the same by “planting flags.” Only better because “planting flags” allows you to diversify your assets on a global scale.

Some jurisdictions offer safer currencies, better business environments, and stronger asset protection laws than others. Planting flags outside your home country opens up an exciting new world of possibilities. You’ll enjoy the delicious buffet of choices.

But only when you take advantage of the short window of opportunity to diversify and protect your assets by removing them from a single sovereign basket subject to the increasingly socialist-leaning laws, rules, and regulations of a single country. 

It is 100% legal for a US citizen to open an offshore bank account…at least for now. And if you’re Canadian, I can help you completely eliminate taxes 100% legally. 

The Old System of debt and consumption (8)Desperate governments won’t hesitate to impose capital controls designed to prevent the free flow of capital from crossing borders. Uncle Sam is already trying to prevent US citizens from protecting their assets in offshore accounts.

Let me be crystal clear. What I’m talking about here is protecting your assets by legally moving them out of your home government’s reach. This is NOT (nor do I ever advocate) hiding your assets to evade taxes or break any laws.

Why put yourself, your family, and your assets in such jeopardy when following the letter of the law is so far superior, simpler, and safer?

In any event, with capital controls looming on the horizon, NOW is the time to take action to protect your assets while you still can. Before it’s too late.

The GOOD NEWS is the impending system collapse is more like a hurricane than an earthquake. Earthquakes strike suddenly, without warning. 

On the other hand, hurricanes can cause mass destruction, but at least you know they’re coming. So you have some time to take the actions necessary to protect yourself, your family, and your assets, and ultimately evacuate if needed. 

But make no mistake, this is no run-of-the-mill hurricane, an “Economic Katrina” is bearing down on us. Nobody knows whether it will be a direct hit or a glancing blow. 

But we do know it’s coming, and time is running out to “batten down the hatches” and protect yourself, your family, and your assets. And the sooner, the better.

Sure, I’ve painted a less-than-flattering picture of the current situation in the United States and Canada…but the facts don’t lie. And many countries face similar problems:

Germany, France, Spain, Italy and most of Western Europe. Australia and New Zealand. And don’t forget Japan. So the US and Canada are not alone on the brink of disaster. 

Despite all that, there are still some excellent jurisdictions where you can open a bank account and even hold your funds in multiple currencies (or even precious metals like gold and silver) to further diversify your sovereign risk. More on this in a minute.

9 Critical Flags to Consider Planting Now…

The NEW global diversification and the smart “flag-planting” strategy extend far beyond financial assets. Think of planting a flag for your non-financial assets too. The more flags you plant, the more diversified you are and the safer you are from sovereign risk. 

Think of all the possibilities. I promised 9 “Flag-Planting” Strategies, and here they are…you could plant flags for each and every one of the following:

    • Bank Accounts (there are countries with much more solvent banks, fewer regulations, and stronger currencies than you’ll find in the US or Canada)… 

    • Brokerage Accounts (an offshore brokerage account could open up NEW investing opportunities not available in US-based accounts because many great foreign companies choose not to deal with the SEC and its red tape)…
    • Business Entities (nothing stops a frivolous lawsuit faster than a business entity strategically located in an offshore jurisdiction that rejects US laws)… 

    • Gold Storage (the US government confiscated every citizen’s gold in 1933. And considering the current economic and financial situation, there is plenty of speculation that it could happen again in the near future. In Canada too)… 

    • Digital Presence - Domain Registrars, Hosting, & Email (if you have an Internet-based business, why not move it to an offshore jurisdiction more friendly to online businesses? if you’re using Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, or any other big US-based email servers, your messages are NOT private. Plant an offshore email flag for FREE! And keep the government’s prying eyes off your data)… 

    • Registration of Vehicles - Cars, Boats, Helicopters, Private Planes, and More… (Register assets in favourable jurisdictions in the name of a separate entity for privacy and protection. In the event of an accident, owning an asset in a foreign structure makes it virtually impossible for someone to go after other assets)...
    • Residency (A second residency gives you options if the situation in your home country gets bad enough and you need to leave… residencies are generally easier and faster to obtain than a 2nd passport and citizenship. You can have residency in several different countries to diversify your sovereign risk even more.)
    • 2nd Passports & Citizenship (even if you never plan to leave your home country, a 2nd passport is the ULTIMATE insurance policy… if the proverbial “shit hits the fan” – or you just get sick and tired of the emerging socialist police state – you’ll have an escape route already in place…
      A second passport can also increase your travel options. For example, most Western countries closed their borders for tourists due to COVID. Having a second passport from one of those countries allows you to enter the country when a US or Canadian passport would not)... 

    • And Many MORE! (plant flags for anything you can imagine - even your pet)
Other popular flags I help my valued clients plant include:
    • Offshore Trust or Private Interest Foundation (for protection & privacy)...(A business entity protects an individual from lawsuits against the company, while a trust or foundation protects the business entity’s assets from lawsuits against your person. Setting up a structure like this offshore provides even greater protection from predators. They’re also fantastic vehicles for privacy and for legally avoiding wealth transfer or estate taxes)...
    • Cryptocurrencies and Decentralized Finances or DeFi (avoid fiat currency)...(Digital currencies will become more important as the current financial system implodes. Most importantly, digital currencies are NOT under government control. As the digital ecosystem expands, anything that can be done in the traditional financial system can be done in the decentralized financial system with more safety and privacy. And with potentially highly lucrative returns for early adopters.)

    • Legal Tax Mitigation Strategies (to keep more of your hard-earned money)...(Diversifying your assets globally allows you to legally lower - or potentially even eliminate - taxes forever. Think about how much more wealth this leaves for your family. And how it’s kept out of reach of government confiscation schemes.)

    • Foreign Real Estate and Second Homes (investment income & more)...
      (Investing in foreign real estate provides many benefits including: a safe place to live if necessary, diversifying out of your home currency, potentially huge discounts based on currency fluctuations, owning real assets instead of paper assets, potential rental income and price appreciation, plus owning real estate in a foreign country may be the best way to obtain residency and/or citizenship)...

    • International Insurance and/or Insurance Wrappers (There is no limit on how many insurance policies you can have. You can insure almost anything. And insurance is one of the best vehicles for tax advantages)... 

And finally, renouncing US citizenship. Nearly half of my US clients are seriously considering this now. And I expect an even bigger surge coming soon. As the situation worsens.

PLUS, an increasing number of offshore banks and brokerages won’t even deal with US citizens due to all the onerous regulations the government imposes – another form of capital controls – but with your 2nd passport and a certificate of loss of nationality, you need not worry about this discrimination. Some people give up their US citizenship but have 3, 4, or more passports in place…

More and more people are leaving their home countries for greener pastures offering more freedom, liberty, and choices. Not to mention a better quality of life and a lower cost of living that makes your money go farther than you’d ever imagined possible.

WARNING: If you’re considering renouncing your citizenship, we should be discussing it sooner rather than later. Because as the mass exodus gains momentum, there’s nothing to stop your home government from changing the rules. 

The US has already dramatically raised the “exit tax.” Don’t be surprised when they do it again in a desperate effort to keep people and their assets trapped inside the borders of their home country. America and Canada could declare expatriation illegal one day. And once they pass capital control laws, it’s all over.

flags 2This is NOT a fantasy: thousands of freedom-seeking, liberty-loving people around the world have made the critical decision to join the ranks of the prepared. Will you be next?

They rest easy at night knowing both they and their assets are truly international, truly sovereign, and truly safe forever.

This is NOT about abandoning your home country – although this puts you in a strong position to leave should you decide you’ve had enough from your home government.

This is about having a sensible, well-thought-out “Plan B.” Think of it like saving money in an “emergency fund” just in case an unexpected financial emergency arises.

“Planting flags” is bigger and better than an “emergency fund.” Because it could save not just your financial life…but every aspect of your life when the system collapses.

On a larger scale, this is even bigger than protecting your assets. It’s about protecting freedom and liberty. For yourself and your family, no matter what happens in the future.

Rejecting the “limiting choices” offered by your home country allows you to pick and choose the best and safest jurisdictions in the world for banking, investing, residency, second passports, freedom, privacy, medical care, and anything else you care about.

The concept of planting flags and diversifying globally is simple, straightforward, and easy to understand…but as a matter of practicality, it can be a daunting undertaking. 

Let’s say you’ve decided to open an offshore bank account and move some of your money out of your home country. What country should you choose? And what bank? 

The options are almost limitless…but certain jurisdictions are ideal based on your unique personal criteria. It could take you months – even years – and thousands of dollars to go through the maze of options before reaching a confident decision. 

The same holds true for business entities. There are dozens of good choices. The best option for you depends on your goals. And reasons for establishing an offshore entity. 

If you decide to pursue a 2nd passport (it’s perfectly legal to hold multiple passports), it could be even more daunting. What country? Who can you trust to help you through the bureaucracy and paperwork? Do you speak the local language?

It’s all a confusing mess. That’s where I can help. As I mentioned, I’ve been travelling the globe in search of opportunities for over 20 years. And I love sharing what I know.

My wife and I suffered many sleepless nights wrestling with these same questions. I’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn what I know. And I can help you now. 

I’d like to share my knowledge and a big Rolodex of contacts with you. I’ve helped countless others just like you get started planting flags within days. People like…

Ken Douglas of San Francisco, California, who says… 

Mikkel helped me narrow down the bewildering possibilities and focus on concrete actions. With the world in the insane state that it's in, I am thankful that I've taken substantial moves to internationalize. I still seek out Mikkel's advice and opinions when contemplating a new action. He's a very professional man of his word!” 

Anders Andersen of Norway

“While looking for solutions to protect my family, our freedom, and assets, I was very fortunate to discover Mikkel. 

Working with him to diversify myself and my assets globally was the single best desicion I have made in many years. It was a perfect fit and we clicked immediately.

Mikkel has helped me and my family in so many ways its hard to put into words. And I have seen first hand how he is helping other amazing people. 

His contact network and expertise can literally change your life. Do yourself a favor and reach out to Mikkel!”

Joe Ulrich from San Antonio, Texas…

At 61 years of age, my wife and I have been researching the expat life for over 20 years. We’ve subscribed to many publications and also traveled with them to severely international destinations. Their “cookie cutter” approach never felt right to us…

Then I discovered Mikkel and everything changed. His words really resonated with me on a deep, personal level. In researching Mikkel, I found nothing but positive reports.

Working with Mikkel has been a joy. He took the time to understand our personal situation. Then led us step-by-step to second residency in Panama. With his superior knowledge and skill, he makes the complex simple and easy.

My recommendation to everyone is: don’t miss out on working with “the most interesting man in Panama.”

Keith Joseph of Scottsdale, Arizona…

“Mikkel has done a super job of helping my wife and I create a clear plan for expatriate success! With his network of professionals in real estate, investments, CPA’s, residency process, etc, it has been both a huge time saver and created peace of mind, working with a trusted team! Thank you my friend”

And finally, Jeff Yates, Dallas, Texas…

As the 2008 economic tsunami destroyed my existing traditional investments, my world views, and assumptions, about how things worked, changed, big time.  It was my light bulb moment.  

I had managed to do the basics that were recommended at the time:  acquired a foreign bank account; bought a home outside the US; invested in precious metals; started learning Spanish; and focused on health and nutrition with my wife.

What I didn't have was a comprehensive plan.  I needed a mentor, an advisor, someone who could help me put my random jigsaw pieces together and end up with a more seamless strategy and plan.

After hearing Mikkel on a podcast, I immediately emailed him thinking I probably wouldn't be hearing from him for a while, if at all.  Within 48 hours, Mikkel responded.  He could sense I had already done some legwork in preparing for independence and Plan B scenarios, scattershot as it was.

Mikkel instantly set me up with some ‘next step’ options, primarily focusing on a new passport from a well recognized, travel friendly country. 

Mikkel has contacts and professional relationships literally worldwide.  The process of gaining another residence or citizenship requires specialized knowledge and experience.  We got the ball rolling immediately.

Mikkel's knowledge is so wide, it's practically impossible to ask him a question he hasn't heard before.  And the great thing about him, if he doesn't have an answer for something, he'll find out or connect you with another specialist who does.

For one-stop, 5-Star concierge, step-by-step expat services, Mikkel puts you light years ahead of the crowd.

I could share many pages more full of the glowing comments I’ve received from the people I enjoy helping put together a personalized and comprehensive global diversification plan…but I trust you get the idea that I’m good at what I do by now.

So I’ll get straight to the point…

If you’re ready to join the folks already enjoying the tremendous peace-of-mind that global diversification offers, then there’s only one thing left for you to do immediately…

The Critical First Step You Must Take NOW…

As I said, it can be challenging, but it’s not nearly as difficult as you might imagine.

In fact, right now, I can help you open an offshore bank account and establish an offshore entity without even leaving the comfort of your own home. 

Even better, I can help you obtain a second residency and a second passport without having to travel to that country. Or even leave home if you don’t want to.

If you’d like my help, the critical first step is to fill out this application. It will give me the background information I need to help you navigate your unique personal situation.

Due to the exploding demand and personal attention I provide every client, I can only work with a LIMITED number of people. The waiting list can be several months long. And considering the crazy state of the world today, we may not have that much time.

Nobody knows for sure what the next insanity will be. Nobody knows what evil plans are coming next. Nobody knows the exact date the system will officially implode.

The only thing we know for sure is the traditional system is crumbling before our eyes. And the window opportunity to capitalize on the situation will slam shut forever.

If you’re still with me, then I know you understand the urgent need to diversify your sovereign risk before it’s too late. Go ahead and fill out this application right now.

Doing so puts you under no obligation. It does reveal your commitment to doing what’s best to preserve your freedom, protect your family, and safeguard your assets.

The way I see it, you have an important, life-changing choice to make right now. 

Before it’s too late…

If you’re the type of person willing to bury your head in the sand. And ignore the ominous warning signs of the clear and present danger we face today…

A potentially catastrophic system reset that could wipe out everything you’ve worked for in the blink of an eye. Leaving you and your family financially and personally destroyed.

Then I wish you the best of luck…

The simple solution I’m sharing today is not for the timid and weak “sheeple” willing to submit to tyrannical governments, obey their orders, and suffer the consequences.

If you’re still with me, then I know you are the type of bold, brave, strong, sovereign soulmate I’ve had the duty and honour to help weather these turbulent times. Helping you prepare to thrive and prosper no matter how the situation plays out is my mission in life.

The choice is yours. Whatever you choose, I hope you will not regret the decisions you make right now, in this moment, somewhere down the line. After it’s too late.

I urge you to go ahead and fill out this application right now. Let’s get started. Isn’t it time to take back control of your life and assets from an unpredictable socialist-obsessed government?

You’re not alone. Myself and an army of sovereign-savvy individuals understand how you feel. I invite you to join the growing group of extraordinary men and women who’ve had enough. And decided it’s time to stand up for our freedom by taking sensible action today to protect ourselves, our families, and our assets for tomorrow.

We’ll help you navigate these turbulent waters. Let’s get started now.

Dedicated to Helping You Thrive and Prosper During These Turbulent Times,

Mikkel ThorupMikkel Signature

   Mikkel Thorup
   CEO, Expat Money ®




The world is changing dramatically right before our very eyes. And these changes are not good for liberty-loving folks who just want to be left alone to lead their own lives.

Here’s what you can do about it now... 

If you’re a successful individual feeling a sense of uncertainty and even danger... if your gut is telling you to do something to preserve your freedom, protect your family, place an impenetrable iron cage around your assets before it’s too late…

You know you should have a “Plan B” just in case the worst-case scenario plays out.

You know you should take some simple steps to diversify your life and assets outside the borders of your own country so that you’re not subject to the whims of an increasingly tyrannical government. But you’re not quite sure what to do. 

Then I invite you to either go back and re-read this entire message now. 

Or go ahead and fill out this application right now.do it now

Due to the high demand and the time I devote to understanding every client’s unique personal situation, I can only work with a LIMITED number of sovereign soulmates.

Otherwise, you may need to wait several months. And given the situation, you may not have the luxury of time before the old system implodes. And a new, darker one emerges.

This is your opportunity to join the thousands of Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, and others who sleep soundly, knowing they’re prepared no matter how horribly the global situation plays out. 

There are only two ways to sleep well at night. Be ignorant. Or be prepared. 

If you take your responsibility to protect yourself, your family and your assets seriously. If you’re not willing to trust your freedom, happiness, and liberty to a tyrannical government that only wants more control and power at your expense, then please take the critical first step and fill out this application right now. Before it’s too late.




An URGENT Message for Individuals with $2 MILLION or More At Risk as the World Crumbles Around Us…

World Renowned International Consultant Reveals 9 Proven (and 100% Legal) “Flag Planting” Strategies to Preserve Your FREEDOM, Protect Your FAMILY, and Safeguard Your ASSETS from Imminent Global Catastrophe!


FROM: A beautiful location in Latin America

DATE: The day you reclaim your sovereignty

Dear Valued Expat Money Subscriber,

Simply put, the general public is not on the same page as people like you and I.

The last 3 years have been a wake-up call for many, but for others, you could take away their passports, close their bank accounts, force a mask upon them and even force them to die alone without any family to comfort them they still wouldn’t call it tyranny…

And that’s fine; if people want to bury their heads in the sand and pretend nothing is happening, then I wish them luck. But that’s not us.

At this point, people are willfully ignorant and refuse to see the evidence that is clearly laid out in front of them.

They may call you crazy and laugh behind your back at your choices….

But people like us, we know what is coming will be no laughing matter…

Failure to prepare is irresponsible and naive. 

Taking proactive steps to secure your future, protect yourself, and your loved ones is not.

The recent bank failures seemed to have come and gone from the mainstream with little fear of future fallout.

Nothing changed and nothing will…. nothing ever does. 

The ones who spearheaded such failures are still in control…

Still corrupt.

Still lining their own pockets.

And still stealing liberties with OUR hard-earned money. 

It would have been naive to have expected them to “put some adults” in the room.

The banks will collapse.

The retirement you always dreamed of will continue slipping out of reach as inflation soars and interest rates remain high.

You will be left penniless and they will love it.

And they say people like us are “crazy”  for knowing this is what they want and are working so hard to accomplish…. 

It doesn’t start and stop with the banking & cost of living crisis either….

Political tensions continue to escalate.

From Biden and his crack-head son embezzling billions of dollars under the guise of “military aid” to Ukraine, to unsettling encounters with China, and now the bubbling issues in the Middle East, it is only a matter or time until we are face-to-face with a World we can hardly recognize.

“This crisis is more dangerous than the Cuban missile crisis." - Andy Weber. Former Assistant Secretary of Defense - Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Programs. 

With the constant violent conflicts continue to erupt…. I can’t help fear that the big one is coming.

Russia, Iran and China alike all have the power to change our way of life in the West as we know it forever… they could even do it swiftly should they wish to do so.

And Even in the Face of War, Soon They Won’t Let You Leave

You are a prisoner within your own borders. The travel restrictions of 2020 will seem reasonable in comparison to what is coming. 

Capital controls are already being put in place.

Western Governments will implement the same controls that have been used in the past to prevent the outflow of capital during past War times.  

You and your loved ones will be stuck. They will not let you leave.

Not to mention YOU, yes YOU are THEIR ASSET.

You are no more than a tax base to these greedy lunatics.

As proactive, responsible global citizens we can remain sheltered from all of this.

Who we are and what we own will be impossible to take. 

I have acted thoroughly and swiftly to shelter myself and my family and what’s ours the best I can.

I urge you to do the same.

And Sadly, Middle Ground Won’t Be Found….

Domestic unrest will commence once again.

2020 will be a picnic relative to what the BLM & ANTIFA groups will do. 

Political and social tensions will boil over as the election nears...

Chaos will ensue. 

All indications point to this… and not to mention the legacy media groups will continue further fuelling the outrage. 

They want to see us beat down to nothing as the world burns and the “system resets”. 

For the first time in history, 2024 will see 3.2 billion people given the opportunity to “vote” in elections worldwide. India, Pakistan and the United States all will have elections….

True democracy is continuing to erode and electoral outcomes will be questioned like never before.

People will take to the streets. 

There is no better time for those seeking to grab even more power from us to make their move.

This is the end game.

A Plan B offshore is critical… even if you never plan on moving outside of the West. You can even take the first steps without having to leave your living room.

You may think you’re too old and thus will ignore this important message and will sadly become another victim to the Imminent Global Collapse.

Or you think you are too young and don’t yet have the funds to consider protecting yourself and what is yours….

This is blatantly false. 

You may not be doing it for yourself.

But you may be doing it for your future self or your future generations.

Protecting yourself and what’s yours in the face of the Imminent Global Catastrophe is paramount. You need to act now to secure your future.

Taking action now will make all the difference in the face of what is coming…

Here’s What This Is All About…

The system is crumbling before us – not just in the US and Canada. But around the world. The consequences could be DEVASTATING for those who fail to prepare. 

Despite what you may think, I’m incredibly optimistic about the future. Because in every crisis lies enormous opportunities – for those with the courage to ACT QUICKLY.

If you’re as serious about protecting your family and safeguarding your assets as I think you are, then I urge you to read every word of this IMPORTANT message right now. 

The critical decisions you make today could have a dramatic impact on your future. I’ll show you how to thrive and prosper no matter how badly the situation plays out.

Fair enough? Let’s get started…

My name is Mikkel Thorup. You may know me as the host of the popular Expat Money Show podcast where I’ve interviewed multi-millionaire thought leaders like legendary investor JIM ROGERS, superstar speculator MARC FABER, Confessions of an Economic Hitman author JOHN PERKINS, and many more…

Including crypto hedge fund managers, international tax attorneys, global asset protection attorneys, gold, silver, and mining experts, millionaire business owners, entrepreneurs, and the list goes on…

I’m fortunate to have personal relationships with many of today's biggest movers and shakers, but I do much more than just talk to them. I’m walking the expat walk with my “boots on the ground.” 

In fact, for more than 20 years I’ve been living abroad. Figuring out the best ways to legally eliminate taxes, obtain second residencies and passports. Searching for the best ways to enjoy life in the most liberty-loving places on earth. And make a lot of money at the same time. 

Originally from Canada, I’ve travelled to over 100 countries including North Korea, Zimbabwe, Iran. El Slavador, and Japan. Since the early 2000s, I’ve lived in the South Pacific, the Arctic, Central America, Asia (my wife is Chinese), and the Middle East.

Off the top of my head, I could tell you how to open an offshore bank account in Belize, save a fortune with medical tourism in Colombia, buy real estate in China, store gold in Singapore, set up a corporation in Panama .and so much more…

The Old System of debt and consumption (12)

My best-selling book “Expat Secrets” only scratches the surface of everything I’ve discovered in my 20 years travelling around the globe using an ingenious strategy called “flag-planting.” Some of my best secrets cannot be published to protect my sources. 

This is what my friend and mentor, Doug Casey, has to say about my work...

Official Doug Casey Endorsement of Mikkel Thorup

I’m not sharing any of this to impress you. Only to impress upon you that if you have any interest in exploring opportunities to live with greater freedom, legally pay less taxes, and find simple ways to diversify and protect your assets outside the borders of your home country, then I’ve got 20 years of valuable experience to share.

By far the most life-saving lesson I’ve learned over the past 20 years is this…

The Greatest Risk Today is Sovereign Risk…

Having all your eggs in one basket – your entire life at risk in a single country – is the surest way to wind up broke and desperate when all hell breaks loose.

The Old System of debt and consumption (13)

That’s the tragic story of James Mayfield. With all his assets trapped inside US borders, when all hell broke loose, he was killed financially. Then killed himself literally.

The dangers of having all your assets under the control of a single government are playing out in real-time as I write.

Consider the “Freedom Convoy” in Canada. It’s a peaceful group of law-abiding citizens voicing their opposition to illegal government vaccine mandates.

That’s completely normal in a free country. Freedom of speech has been a foundational pillar of democracy for thousands of years. But not anymore…

Within days, Trudeau became Canada’s first Prime Minister ever to invoke the “Emergencies Act.” Giving the government unprecedented authoritarian powers.

Faster than the blink of an eye,  the Canadian government unilaterally declared anyone involved in the “Freedom Convoy” a terrorist. And a threat to democracy.  

Without regard for their Constitutional right to speak freely, without any proof, without a fair trial. Simply because an overreaching government seeks to squash any opposition. 

Canadian banks are freezing the financial accounts of peaceful protesters. And anyone who contributed to the cause. The government is actively harassing these patriots. 

Meanwhile, Americans are starting a similar movement called “The People’s Convoy.” And President Biden announced the US government’s national emergency powers will be extended beyond March 1st due to the continued health risk posed by COVID.

Don’t be surprised when the US follows Canada’s lead in denouncing peaceful protesters as terrorists. And freezes their access to the money they need to live.

Think about what’s happening in front of our eyes today…

Jeffrey Epstein committed atrocious sex crimes against children and never lost his banking privileges. Corporations contributed millions of dollars to fund the violent “Black Lives Matter” protests and never lost their banking privileges.

Yet when free citizens peacefully oppose overreaching governments that impose unconstitutional mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and economic lockdowns…

These people are treated as criminals, unfairly called terrorists, and have their financial assets frozen. This is not democracy. This is textbook tyranny. And capital controls.

The time to take the critical first step to protecting yourself against government tyranny is now. The way events are playing out in real-time, waiting even one day may be too long. This is not the time to procrastinate. And put your family’s future in jeopardy.  

If you’ve got a wife and kids you love. And have been financially successful enough to build up a few million dollars in assets, then you and I have a lot in common.

And we’ve also become increasingly concerned at how governments never hesitate to invade our private lives and trample our civil rights. More aggressively every day.

Privacy is officially DEAD. The government spies on our emails, texts, phone conversations, and tracks every financial transaction. Medical privacy is history too.

Banking is a hassle these days. You’re assumed to be a drug-dealing money launderer until you show you’re not. “Innocent until proven guilty” has been turned upside down.

Even worse, even if you are innocent, the government won’t hesitate to label anyone who fails to obey orders as a terrorist. Just as we see happening today in Canada.

It’s gotten so bad that many international banks flat out refuse to do business with US citizens. As soon as they see a US address or ID, they refuse to open a new account.

Perhaps most alarming is how deceptively governments declared a pandemic, locked down the economy, and imposed vaccine mandates (actually experimental gene therapies) for a flu-like virus with a survival rate of 99% or more. Even injecting our innocent, young children who statistically have no chance of dying. Why?

Who knows what other evil plans are about to be unleashed. If it’s anything like Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” then God help us because “you will own nothing and be happy.”

As the US government prints mountains of money, they’re destroying your children and grandchildren’s future with a massive $30 trillion debt they can’t possibly repay. 

Stiffing deserving retirees of the benefits they were promised, and leaving them wondering what went wrong so fast.

This is not how freedom and democracy are supposed to work. Both the US and Canada are moving dangerously towards socialism. 

America’s reign as the world’s dominant superpower could soon end. With the dollar losing its privileged reserve currency status.

Leading to a financial catastrophe for anyone holding all their assets in US dollars, Canadian dollars, or any other fiat currency. Paper money may soon be worthless.

Don’t worry. There is a bright side to all of this. As I said earlier, where there is a crisis we find opportunities. A few simple maneuvers now can guarantee the bright and prosperous future you and your family deserve. As long as you ACT NOW before it’s too late.

The NEW Principle of Global Diversification…

The old “principle of diversification” applies mostly to financial assets. Conventional wisdom says spreading your money across different asset classes: stocks, bonds, real estate. Maybe even gold and silver. As one asset declines in value, another rises.

This model worked well while the US and Canada prospered by saving, producing, and creating a strong middle class by exporting valuable goods for the world to consume.

Unfortunately, today we’ve turned that upside down. We’ve become spenders, shifted from manufacturing goods to importing them, and run up record amounts of debt.

The US has printed trillions of dollars resulting in 40-year highs in inflation. Meaning every dollar buys less food, less gas, less of all the basic necessities we need to enjoy a happy life.

social security act brokeHere’s the BOTTOM LINE: Holding all your financial assets in US dollars, Canadian dollars (or any fiat currency) is committing financial suicide. There’s a much better, smarter, and safer way.

A Simple Secret for Eliminating Sovereign Risk

I’ve already helped hundreds of smart, successful people just like you drastically reduce sovereign risk. By taking advantage of the NEW Principle of Diversification. And “flags.”

Simply put, when you remove all your assets from the control of a single government you reduce your sovereign risk. Because no single government can wipe you out. It’s a simple concept. And it’s perfectly legal despite the BS spread in the mainstream media.

Think about how the system works today. People choose from pre-packaged options for the major decisions in their lives. There are pre-defined career paths for becoming a doctor, a lawyer, a pilot, a nurse, and almost any other profession you can imagine. 

When it comes to retirement planning, you just answer a series of questions to define your risk profile, and instantly you have a model portfolio. There’s little choice considering the limited number of options available in most retirement accounts.

Universal Choice Trumps Limiting Choices…

I call these “limiting choices” and they are deeply ingrained in our modern society. Our realities are defined not by us, but by governments, laws, and regulations that restrict our options, and constrain our creativity. Our decisions are practically made for us.

When you walk into a bank, for example, no one is going to sit down with you and say:

“Hey, I think you should protect yourself from a depreciating fiat currency. Let’s talk about precious metals, crypto, or at least a more stable currency like the Swiss franc.”

Not a chance! Banksters jam the same two limiting choices down our throats every day: the generic checking or savings account. Paying 0.1% interest if you’re lucky.

Big Tech is even worse! They’re changing public opinion through censorship. They decide on the narrative they want to promote. Then they censor anything and everything that goes against their preferred narrative.

Take COVID for example. No matter how you feel about it, Big Tech makes it difficult to make an informed opinion. They promote the vaccines as “safe and effective” despite the fact that there’s a mountain of evidence to the contrary.

They silence an army of qualified medical doctors who are actually treating COVID patients on a daily basis. They know there are much simpler and more effective treatments being buried. Legitimate scientists are being threatened and discredited.

A free flow of information is critical to a democracy. Make all the information available and let intelligent people reach their own conclusions. Censorship is a strategy for totalitarian governments. It’s alarming to see the US and Canada following suit today.

Police in Ontario are now actively monitoring what you say online. And warn they may “proactively” visit your home to offer “helpful” advice. Or attempt to intimidate you!

Expect more of this type of overreach from former democracies like the US and Canada that are transforming into totalitarian hellholes before our eyes at an alarming rate.

This only scratches the surface on how Big Tech attempts to manipulate our opinions by limiting access to the critical information needed to make an informed decision.

Limiting choices such as racking up huge educational debt, investing in mutual funds, holding cash in a savings account, or relying on government-sponsored retirement plans, were fairly successful strategies before the system cracked. But not today…

The way out, the way to survive and thrive through this turmoil, is to reject limiting choices. And define your own reality through what I call Universal Choice. An effective strategy for doing this is to “plant multiple flags” in multiple countries. It’s perfectly legal.

Think of a flag as a section of your life or any asset. You’ve got a banking flag and a residency flag. You’ve likely got investment and real estate flags. And you may have a business flag. These flags determine how safe and protected your financial life is… 

If all your financial flags are “planted” in one country, and in a single currency, you’re at serious risk. Because if that currency collapses (and every fiat currency in history has collapsed), you are not protected. You’re very vulnerable to financial catastrophe. 

Instead of accepting the limiting choices offered in your home country, you can open a foreign bank account in alternative currencies, or store gold in a private vault overseas. Or open a foreign brokerage account giving you more investment choices.

Just as people choose the best states and provinces to live in based on their wants and needs. Lower taxes. Better weather, etc. You can do the same by “planting flags.” Only better, because “planting flags” allows you to diversify your assets on a global scale.

Some jurisdictions offer safer currencies, better business environments, and stronger asset protection laws than others. Planting flags outside your home country opens up an exciting new world of possibilities. You’ll enjoy the delicious buffet of choices.

But only when you take advantage of the short window of opportunity to diversify and protect your assets by removing them from a single sovereign basket subject to the increasingly socialist-leaning, laws, rules, and regulations of a single country. 

It is 100% legal for a US citizen to open an offshore bank account…at least for now. And if you’re Canadian I can help you completely eliminate taxes 100% legally. 

Desperate governments won’t hesitate to impose capital controls designed to prevent the free flow of capital from crossing borders. Uncle Sam is already trying to prevent US citizens from protecting their assets in offshore accounts.The Old System of debt and consumption (8)

Let me be crystal clear. What I’m talking about here is protecting your assets by legally moving them out of your home government’s reach. This is NOT (nor do I ever advocate) hiding your assets to evade taxes or break any laws. 

Why put yourself, your family, and your assets in such jeopardy when following the letter of the law is so far superior, simpler, and safer?

In any event, with capital controls looming on the horizon, NOW is the time to take action to protect your assets while you still can. Before it’s too late.

The GOOD NEWS is the impending system collapse is more like a hurricane than an earthquake. Earthquakes strike suddenly, without warning. 

On the other hand, hurricanes can cause mass destruction, but at least you know they’re coming. So you have some time to take the actions necessary to protect yourself, your family, and your assets, and ultimately evacuate if needed. 

But make no mistake this is no run-of-the-mill hurricane, an “Economic Katrina” is bearing down on us. Nobody knows whether it will be a direct hit or a glancing blow. 

But we do know it’s coming and time is running out to “batten down the hatches” and protect yourself, your family, and your assets. And the sooner the better.

Sure, I’ve painted a less than flattering picture of the current situation in the United States and Canada…but the facts don’t lie. And many countries face similar problems:

Germany, France, Spain, Italy and most of western Europe. Australia and New Zealand. And don’t forget Japan. So the US and Canada are not alone on the brink of disaster. 

Despite all that, there are still some excellent jurisdictions where you can open a bank account and even hold your funds in multiple currencies (or even precious metals like gold and silver) to further diversify your sovereign risk. More on this in a minute.

9 Critical Flags to Consider Planting Now…

The NEW global diversification and the smart “flag-planting” strategy extend far beyond financial assets. Think of planting a flag for your non-financial assets too. The more flags you plant, the more diversified you are, and the safer you are from sovereign risk. 

Think of all the possibilities. I promised 9 “Flag-Planting” Strategies and here they are…You could plant flags for each and every one of the following:

  • Bank Accounts (there are countries with much more solvent banks, fewer regulations, and stronger currencies than you’ll find in the US or Canada)… 

  • Brokerage Accounts (an offshore brokerage account could open up NEW investing opportunities not available in US-based accounts because many great foreign companies choose not to deal with the SEC and its red tape)…
  • Business Entities (nothing stops a frivolous lawsuit faster than a business entity strategically located in an offshore jurisdiction that rejects US laws)… 

  • Gold Storage (the US government confiscated every citizen’s gold in 1933. And considering the current economic and financial situation, there is plenty of speculation that it could happen again in the near future. In Canada too)… 

  • Digital Presence - Domain Registrars, Hosting, & Email (if you have an Internet-based business, why not move it to an offshore jurisdiction more friendly to online businesses? if you’re using Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, or any other big US-based email servers, your messages are NOT private. Plant an offshore email flag for FREE! And keep the government’s prying eyes off your data)… 

  • Registration of Vehicles - Cars, Boats, Helicopters, Private Planes, and More… (Register assets in favourable jurisdictions in the name of a separate entity for privacy and protection. In the event of an accident, owning an asset in a foreign structure makes it virtually impossible for someone to go after other assets)...

  • Residency (A second residency gives you options if the situation in your home country gets bad enough you need to leave… residencies are generally easier and faster to obtain than a 2nd passport and citizenship. You can have residency in several different countries to diversify your sovereign risk even more.)

  • 2nd Passports & Citizenship (even if you never plan to leave your home country, a 2nd passport is the ULTIMATE insurance policy… if the proverbial “shit hits the fan” – or you just get sick and tired of the emerging socialist police state – you’ll have an escape route already in place…

  • A second passport can also increase your travel options. For example, most Western countries closed their borders for tourists due to COVID. Having a second passport from one of those countries allows you to enter the country when a US or Canadian passport would not)... 

  • And Many MORE! (plant flags for anything you can imagine - even your pet)
    Other popular flags I help my valued clients plant include:
  • Offshore Trust or Private Interest Foundation (for protection & privacy)...(A business entity protects an individual from lawsuits against the company while a trust or foundation protects the business entity’s assets from lawsuits against your person. Setting up a structure like this offshore provides even greater protection from predators. They’re also fantastic vehicles for privacy and for legally avoiding wealth transfer or estate taxes)...

  • Cryptocurrencies and Decentralized Finances or DeFi (avoid fiat currency)...(Digital currencies will become more important as the current financial system implodes. Most importantly, digital currencies are NOT under government control. As the digital ecosystem expands, anything that can be done in the traditional financial system can be done in the decentralized financial system with more safety and privacy. And with potentially highly lucrative returns for early adopters.)

  • Legal Tax Mitigation Strategies (to keep more of your hard-earned money)...(Diversifying your assets globally allows you to legally lower - or potentially even eliminate - taxes forever. Think about how much more wealth this leaves for your family. And how it’s kept out of reach of government confiscation schemes.)

  • Foreign Real Estate and Second Homes (investment income & more)...(Investing in foreign real estate provides many benefits including: a safe place to live if necessary, diversifying out of your home currency, potentially huge discounts based on currency fluctuations, owning real assets instead of paper assets, potential rental income and price appreciation, plus owning real estate in a foreign country may be the best way to obtain residency and/or citizenship)...

  • International Insurance and/or Insurance Wrappers (There is no limit on how many insurance policies you can have. You can insure almost anything. And insurance is one of the best vehicles for tax advantages)... 


And finally, renouncing US citizenship. Nearly half of my clients are seriously considering this now. And I expect an even bigger surge coming soon. As the situation worsens.

PLUS an increasing number of offshore banks and brokerages won’t even deal with US citizens due to all the onerous regulations the government imposes – another form of capital controls – but with your 2nd passport and a certificate of loss of nationality, you need not worry about this discrimination. Some people give up their US citizenship but have 3, 4, or more passports…

More and more people are leaving their home countries for greener pastures offering more freedom, liberty, and choices. Not to mention a better quality of life and a lower cost of living that makes your money go farther than you’d ever imagined possible.

WARNING: If you’re considering renouncing your citizenship, We should be discussing it sooner rather than later. Because as the mass exodus gains momentum, there’s nothing to stop your home government from changing the rules. 

The US has already dramatically raised the “exit tax.” Don’t be surprised when they do it again in a desperate effort to keep people and their assets trapped inside the borders of their home country. America and Canada could declare expatriation illegal one day. And once they pass capital control laws it’s all over.

This is NOT a fantasy: thousands of freedom-seeking, liberty-loving people around the world have made the critical decision to join the ranks of the prepared. Will you be next?

They rest easy at night knowing both they and their assets are truly international, truly sovereign, and truly safe forever.

This is NOT about abandoning your home country – although this puts you in a strong position to leave should you decide you’ve had enough from your home government.

This is about having a sensible, well-thought-out “Plan B.” Think of it like saving money in an “emergency fund” just in case an unexpected financial emergency arises.flags 2

“Planting flags” is bigger and better than an “emergency fund.” Because it could save not just your financial life…but every aspect of your life when the system collapses.

On a larger scale, this is even bigger than protecting your assets. It’s about protecting freedom and liberty. For yourself and your family no matter what happens in the future.

Rejecting the “limiting choices” offered by your home country allows you to pick and choose the best and safest jurisdictions in the world for banking, investing, residency, second passports, freedom, privacy, medical care, and anything else you care about.

The concept of planting flags and diversifying globally is simple, straightforward, and easy to understand…but as a matter of practicality, it can be a daunting undertaking. 

Let’s say you’ve decided to open an offshore bank account and move some of your money out of your home country. What country should you choose? And what bank? 

The options are almost limitless…but certain jurisdictions are ideal based on your unique personal criteria. It could take you months – even years – and thousands of dollars to go through the maze of options before reaching a confident decision. 

The same holds true for business entities. There are dozens of good choices. The best option for you depends on your goals. And reasons for establishing an offshore entity. 

If you decide to pursue a 2nd passport (it’s perfectly legal to hold multiple passports), it could be even more daunting. What country? Who can you trust to help you through the bureaucracy and paperwork? Do you speak the local language?

It’s all a confusing mess. That’s where I can help. As I mentioned, I’ve been travelling the globe in search of opportunities for over 20 years. And I love sharing what I know.

My wife and I suffered many sleepless nights wrestling with these same questions. I’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn what I know. And I can help you now. 

I’d like to share my knowledge and a big Rolodex of contacts with you. I’ve helped countless others just like you get started planting flags within days. People like…

Bill Davis of San Francisco, California, who says… 

Mikkel helped me narrow down the bewildering possibilities and focus on concrete actions. With the world in the insane state that it's in, I am thankful that I've taken substantial moves to internationalize. I still seek out Mikkel's advice and opinions when contemplating a new action. He's a very professional man of his word!” 

Anders Andersen of Norway

“While looking for solutions to protect my family, our freedom, and assets, I was very fortunate to discover Mikkel. 

Working with him to diversify myself and my assets globally was the single best desicion I have made in many years. It was a perfect fit and we clicked immediately.

Mikkel has helped me and my family in so many ways its hard to put into words. And I have seen first hand how he is helping other amazing people. 

His contact network and expertise can literally change your life. Do yourself a favor and reach out to Mikkel!”

Joe Ulrich from San Antonio, Texas…

At 61 years of age, my wife and I have been researching the expat life for over 20 years. We’ve subscribed to many publications and also traveled with them to severely international destinations. Their “cookie cutter” approach never felt right to us…

Then I discovered Mikkel and everything changed. His words really resonated with me on a deep, personal level. In researching Mikkel, I found nothing but positive reports.

Working with Mikkel has been a joy. He took the time to understand our personal situation. Then led us step-by-step to second residency in Panama. With his superior knowledge and skill, he makes the complex simple and easy.

My recommendation to everyone is: don’t miss out on working with “the most interesting man in Panama.”

Ken Jacobson of Tempe, Arizona…

“Mikkel has done a super job of helping my wife and I create a clear plan for expatriate success! With his network of professionals in real estate, investments, CPA’s, residency process, etc, it has been both a huge time saver and created peace of mind, working with a trusted team! Thank you my friend”

And finally, David Wilmot, Dallas, Texas…

As the 2008 economic tsunami destroyed my existing traditional investments, my world views, and assumptions, about how things worked, changed, big time.  It was my light bulb moment.  

I had managed to do the basics that were recommended at the time:  acquired a foreign bank account; bought a home outside the US; invested in precious metals; started learning Spanish; and focused on health and nutrition with my wife.

What I didn't have was a comprehensive plan.  I needed a mentor, an advisor, someone who could help me put my random jigsaw pieces together and end up with a more seamless strategy and plan.

After hearing Mikkel on a podcast, I immediately emailed him thinking I probably wouldn't be hearing from him for a while, if at all.  Within 48 hours, Mikkel responded.  He could sense I had already done some legwork in preparing for independence and Plan B scenarios, scattershot as it was.

Mikkel instantly set me up with some ‘next step’ options, primarily focusing on a new passport from a well recognized, travel friendly country. 

Mikkel has contacts and professional relationships literally worldwide.  The process of gaining another residence or citizenship requires specialized knowledge and experience.  We got the ball rolling immediately.

Mikkel's knowledge is so wide, it's practically impossible to ask him a question he hasn't heard before.  And the great thing about him, if he doesn't have an answer for something, he'll find out or connect you with another specialist who does.

For one-stop, 5 Star concierge, step-by-step expat services, Mikkel puts you light years ahead of the crowd.

I could share many pages more full of the glowing comments I’ve received from the people I enjoy helping put together a personalized and comprehensive global diversification plan…but I trust you get the idea that I’m good at what I do by now.

So I’ll get straight to the point…

If you’re ready to join the folks already enjoying the tremendous peace-of-mind that global diversification offers, then there’s only one thing left for you to do immediately…

The Critical First Step You Must Take NOW…

As I said, it can be challenging, but it’s not nearly as difficult as you might imagine.
In fact, right now I can help you open an offshore bank account and establish an offshore entity without even leaving the comfort of your own home. 

Even better I can help you obtain second residencies and a second passport without having to travel to that country. Or even leave home if you don’t want to.

If you’d like my help, the critical first step is to fill out this application. It will give me the background information I need to help you navigate your unique personal situation.

Due to the exploding demand and personal attention I provide every client, I can only work with a LIMITED number of people. The waiting list can be several months long. And considering the crazy state of the world today, we may not have that much time.

Nobody knows for sure when the COVID insanity will end. Nobody knows what evil plans are coming next. Nobody knows the exact date the system will officially implode.

The only thing we know for sure is the traditional system is crumbling before our eyes. And the window opportunity to capitalize on the situation will slam shut forever soon.

If you’re still with me, then I know you understand the urgent need to diversify your sovereign risk before it’s too late. Go ahead and fill out this application right now.

Doing so puts you under no obligation. It does reveal your commitment to doing what’s best to preserve your freedom, protect your family, and safeguard your assets.

The way I see it, you have an important, life-changing choice to make right now. 

Before it’s too late…

If you’re the type of person willing to bury your head in the sand. And ignore the ominous warning signs of the clear and present danger we face today…

A potentially catastrophic system reset that could wipe out everything you’ve worked for in the blink of an eye. Leaving you and your family financially and personally destroyed.

Then I wish you the best of luck…

The simple solution I’m sharing today is not for the timid and weak “sheeple” willing to submit to tyrannical governments, obey their orders, and suffer the consequences.

If you’re still with me, then I know you are the type of bold, brave, strong soulmate I’ve had the duty and honour to help weather these turbulent times. Helping you prepare to thrive and prosper no matter how the situation plays out is my mission in life.

The choice is yours. Whatever you choose, I hope you will not regret the decisions you make right now, in this moment, somewhere down the line. After it’s too late.

I urge you to go ahead and fill out this application right now. Let’s get started. Isn’t it time to take back control of your life and assets from an unpredictable socialist-leaning government?

You’re not alone. Myself and an army of sovereign-savvy individuals understand how you feel. I invite you to join the growing group of extraordinary men and women who’ve had enough. And decided it’s time to stand up for our freedom by taking sensible action today to protect ourselves, our families, and our assets for tomorrow.

We’ll help you navigate these turbulent waters. Let’s get started now.

Dedicated to Helping You Thrive and Prosper During These Turbulent Times,

Mikkel Thorup

Mikkel Thorup Signature

Mikkel Thorup
Director, Expat Money®




The world is changing dramatically right before our very eyes. And these changes are not good for liberty-loving folks who just want to be left alone to lead their own lives.

Here’s what can you do about it now... 

If you’re a successful Canadian or American feeling a sense of uncertainty and even danger... If your gut is telling you to do something to preserve your freedom, protect your family, place an impenetrable iron cage around your assets before it’s too late…

You know you should have a “Plan B” just in case the worst-case scenario plays out. You know you should take some simple steps to diversify your life and assets outside the borders of your own country so that you’re not subject to the whims of an increasingly tyrannical government. But you’re not quite sure what to do. 

Then I invite you to either go back and re-read this entire message now. 

Or go ahead and fill out this application right now.do it now plate

Due to the high demand and the time I devote to understanding every client’s unique personal situation, I can only work with a LIMITED number of sovereign soulmates.

Otherwise, you may need to wait several months. And given the situation, you may not have the luxury of time before the old system implodes. And a new darker one emerges.

This is your opportunity to join the thousands of Americans and Canadians who sleep soundly knowing they’re prepared no matter how horribly the global situation plays out. 

There are only two ways to sleep well at night. Be ignorant. Or be prepared. 

If you take your responsibility to protect yourself, your family and your assets seriously. If you’re not willing to trust your freedom, happiness, and liberty to a tyrannical government that only wants more control and power at your expense, then please take the critical first step and fill out this application right now. Before it’s too late.